
Tullycraft - Every Scene Needs a Center - 2007

5to disco en grande desta banda norteamericana de Seattle, nos presentan temas pop, punks, alegrones, muy buen rato se gana uno al oirlos. Conformado por:

Jeff Fell - batería
Sean Tollefson - Voz principal y Bajo
Chris Munford - Guitarra y Voz
Corianton Hale - Guitarra y Voz
Jenny Mears - Voz y Tamborin


  1. Fangs on Bats
  2. Georgette Plays a Goth
  3. Bored to Hear Your Heart Still Breaks
  4. Clique At Night Vandals
  5. Dracula Screams of Tiger Style (Parts 1&2)
  6. The Lonely Life of The UFO Researcher
  7. A Cursed Miss Maybellene
  8. If You Take Away the Make-Up (Then the Vampires They Will Die)
  9. Misgiving
  10. One Essex Girl
  11. The Secret History of Devil’s Paw
  12. We Know You’re Cute, You Told Us

Tullycraft recording the "Every Scene Needs A Center" album

Tullycraft - "Georgette Plays A Goth"

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